Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Princess is Blossoming!

Wow, 3 yo is so different from 2. Shaela is talking and communicating so well. She has the most incredible imagination, and is expressed with such passion. She loves to "read", telling all sorts of tales as she turns the pages of books, sometimes she does it to blank note paper as well. It is so cute and amazing.

I looked at some notes of mine I wrote a few months ago for the blog ("I'm helping Mommy", microwaving Jenny food, "Mama's egg pockets", tricycle riding up and down the driveway, making tents from books and everything, "cage- no cage", "lay down, close your eyes, don't say no, no, no! or Mommy will go away"(said during bedtime), "open the door just a little bit," These are all old already. Shaela has new ideas now.

Her endearing term is "bingo bus." When we tell her to say hello to someone over the phone, she says "hello bingo bus". When we ask her "who's that?" she states, "that's Ezra Bingo Bus". Her princess stories at night are now about either a very naughty Princess and a extraordinarily good Mr. Hand and Oowee Belly, or a good Princess and a naughty Owee Belly. The naughty character is a litter bug and throws things on the floor constantly. They also don't hold on to spinny seats, swings and the bingo bus and fall off constantly. They also don't wear a apron with their red velvet dress in school and get it full of paint. The naughty one also eats only sugar, while the good one eats protein and vegetables. Sometimes the bad Princess goes to jail or timeout and is left alone, while the others have fun. She is so insistent on the shadow side, it is very interesting.

Nanny and Grandpop came for a week beginning of July. Shaela had a wonderful bonding time with them. They were all very connected. We did a lot of healing work on Shaela as her night screaming was at a peak. There were lots of past lives and ancestral issues. Glad to say, Shaela is sleeping well these days. Shaela had such a hard time saying goodbye to them.

Shaela is so observant of everything. Last night she was looking at her teeth with mouth open and said, "my teeth are lined up!". On the way to the airport, she saw the airport parking lot unusually full of cars and said "that is a lot of cars!"
She also talks about herself in the third person a lot. Saying things like, "my sweetheart needs some water" or "Shaela made a big masterpiece and a half."

Shaela loves to put things under a blanket and make it flat. Last night was the first time I didn't say Princess stories, instead Shaela read a book to me for half an hour and put me to sleep.

Shaela wants her hair to have two cones, like one of the alien characters in her book. I told her she has to eat more protein and grow taller so she can have cones and wear all of Mama's "giant" dresses. This totally motivates her to eat protein.

Shaela can count to sixteen. She also allows me to muscle test her and clears herself. If she is wigging out about wanting chocolate or sweets, I tell her we have to ask her body. She then says, "it may say no". And we honor whatever her body tells us. She is so good about it. So lucky!

So Blessed are all of us.
Love and Light,
Debbie, Justin, Shaela, Kobi and Tara


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