Sunday, July 05, 2009

Oh My God!

It is really weird when your little one mimics your colloquial expressions. Mia aka Shaela is now saying "Oh my God!" when she is excited. We have been trying to call her Mia and introduce her in such a way, since she really hates her name, 'Shaela' and prefers 'Mia'. She still gets all in a huff and very offended when people refer to her as 'Shaela'.

Mia has been watching the movie "Bolt" nonstop since seeing it with her cousin Benjamin in Denver. She reenacts the scene where the cat is threatening the dog Bolt with "Styrofoam!" She knows all the lines in the movie already. She will be an incredible actress some day. She also wants us to put a blue collar and leash on her and to hold the leash from the loop and treat her like a doggie. We try not to do this too often in public, but sometimes she gets to wear the collar.

Mia (she also hate it when we refer to her as "she") has been talking non-stop and wants all of Mommy's undivided attention and so we have some altercations when "Mommy" needs to talk to others including "Daddy". She is now referring to us in such manner, dropping the "Mama" and "DaDa." (kinda sad)
She still has trouble when we reprimand her in any slight way, taking offense and saying that we hurt her feelings and she didn't like the way we said that. She will get very angry and withdrawn until we finally talk it out for the 20th time and work it out. (We are tired.)

Mia has been cracking us up with her jokes and amazing us with her language and conceptual understanding.
She knows and says that she is a perfectionist, after drawing circles for heads and throwing away the paper if it is not "perfect" she would then yell that "the pen and paper are not listening to me!" and get all frustrated. I showed her that if she draws something unintended like a lopsided circle or a erratic line or scribble one could make it into a different picture. She understood this concept and sometimes she will say she is not a perfectionist anymore that she will turn her mistakes into something else.

She has also been drawing people, swimming pools, the beach at Salulita and Hawaii, and her Silky and Wilky and now Bolt. It is so fun to see the development of her drawings, adding knees one day and arms from the correct area the next, then feet, etc...

When I give her kisses she says they "go straight to my heart."(for safekeeping of course). Sometimes we give each other so many kisses and fill each other up with so much love it goes passed China, and sometimes the moon. When Justin and I are hugging she sometimes says "I wasn't in that one!" So we scoop her up and have a family hug.

Mia is so into tie dye clothes now. She got a tie dye dress from Nonna for her birthday and wants to wear it all the time. She now wants a tie dye balloon and dress for Silky and Wilky.

I wish my memory was as good as Mia's. I want to write about all the great things she has said, but unfortunately my memory is not so good anymore. It is strange when you can't finish a sentence or train of thought for 3 years, it does something to your synapse, I think.....

Blessings to all,
Debbie, Justin, Mia, Kobi and Tara and the fishies


At 7:49 PM , Blogger Allison said...

I love not only these beautiful photos documeting
your life but the little blurb of where you are
in your lives & what's going on. It's so well written and
makes me feel closer to you all.

(Mia?! Who knew?)


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