Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Blossoming of Shaela

It has been way too long since my last post. There have been many developments including Shaela entering into puberty! After much sleuthing and divine guidance,. In October 2014, I tested Shaela for kryptopyrrole disorder, and she was positive. This meant she was urinating out her B6 and Zinc. We immediately put her on higher doses of B6, Zinc, Mn, Biotin and folinic acid (stopped the 5MTHF because of her COMT++ snp). Her whole disposition started to change. She is less anxious, more amiable, able to handle stress much better and is able to be more social with her peers. The B6 is necessary for making neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. She is learning much more quickly and homework is so much easier for her. Justin is still helping her with homework because she gets triggered when I point out any mistakes. The zinc is necessary for her immune system as well as being able to detoxify heavy metals. I believe she had heavy metals from China and has been now able to detoxify them. I notice days when she needs Molybdenum (also a mineral to detoxify heavy metals and deficient in people who are very sensitive to odors like perfume, like Shaela), she gets a bit livery due to releasing the heavy metals. It is a delicate balance of supplements each morning, trying to address her needs on a daily basis. Thank goodness for muscle testing!

She is becoming the incredible beautiful wonderful girl that she really is, now that her brain is getting the nutrients it needs. To think about 6 months ago, I was so afraid that Shaela was going to have Borderline Personality Disorder. All that fear is completely gone. I really think that a lot of mental illness in people stems from this kryptopyrrole disorder.

Besides being so much easier to live with and love, her brain is changing. She actually several times surprised us by cleaning her activity room thoroughly, throwing things out and organizing. She even cleaned out her probably 60 stuffed animals, sorting them into keep, put in bag for garage and give away. Unheard of! Shaela has been so attached to all her things, this was miraculous. Then recently she folded all her clothes in her closet to perfection and organized them. To be able to organize like this was totally out of the question last year. Again, my fear that she was going to grow up to be a hoarder are also now abated.

What a different life Shaela would have had, if we were not Naturopathic physicians.

We just got a piano, thanks to Nonna's Christmas present. Shaela is joyfully playing pieces like the Entertainer, Tarantella, Titanic, a pop song (Fireworks?) about a plastic bag blowing in the wind, Frozen song, and others. It is truly marvelous and wonderful to hear her play. She is so amazing and gifted. I am in awe when she plays.

She is still wanting to be called “Shaela” and admonishes people when they call her “Shae”. We were in Mexico for a week with Nasha and Steve, in a town called Bucerias. We had a great time, Shaela playing with Veda, her bud. Shaela is also the dog whisperer and made friends with the compound guard dog named Rocky, and a little poodle and a puppy. She was in dog heaven. We ate lots of wonderful seafood and went to the beach everyday. We went to a beautiful island where we had to swim under a cave to get there. When we went back to the boat against the tide, Shaela was holding onto a raft that our guide was pulling. She made me hold onto it too. I let go when the guide was wondering why it was so hard to pull a 9 yo! It is so touching how she wants to take care of me and worries for my health and safety. She has often told me about how she and her husband (yes, she is actually picturing being married in the future! Big change from the past) will be taking care of us. And that she is going to be a billionaire. I don't doubt her. She can do anything she sets her mind on. She has often said that she wished she could be my mother and take care of me, instead of me worrying about her and taking care of her. I tell her that she has been my mother in past lives, and this time it is my turn to take care of her.

Shaela is still extremely sensistive to other people's energy. Being in Mexico, she had a panic attack one night. She woke up (we were in same room) and said she couldn't breathe, her head felt strange, she was dizzy, etc. We made her breathe deeply, slowly, finally turning on the lights, and it went away. It really freaked her out. Apparently, the day before, she had been talking about ghosts with Nasha, and confirmed a cheshire cat like ghost that she and Nasha had seen at different times. Nasha also talked to her about a shapeshifter that she saw while driving and who wanted to hurt her. Shaela worked herself up with fear and had the panic attack.

Shaela was shown the neruoemotional points on her head to rub in case it happened again. Apparently it did happen again two nights ago. I was unusually fast asleep and did not waken. Shaela was able to go through the breathing routine and rubbing the points on her head, turning on the lights and thinking good and funny thoughts. She abated the panic attack. What lessons she is learning! Justin was there for her, as I can't believe I slept through it. I was super tired.
Shaela later told me that Tajali, her sitter, told her when she was scared of ghosts, to say, “hello, my name is Shaela, do you want to be friends?” I thought this was great. Our lives are so not the norm.

Before Mexico, Shaela did 10 sessions of Auditory Integration Technique with Laurie Ross Brennan. This was to help her hyperacoustic ears and nervous system. I believe this auditory processing disorder was created from her early trauma and developmental stages. So when she did the AIT, Shaela had some bad days. It was bringing up some trauma, and we held her with compassion and cleared her as much as we could. So this combined with thinking about Tara and Kobi's mortality, and my Mom getting diagnosed with cancer and then it metastisizing, all contributed to these panic attacks, besides the confirmation of ghosts and ghouls. Shaela is doing fine now, and we told her she knows what to do and we are so proud of her.

Shaela loves dogs and keeps saying she wants 20 dogs when she grows up. I keep telling her of how hard it would be to take care of 20 dogs. We may get another dog after our China trip in July. Tara and Kobi are doing well, they are still able to climb to the top of Mountain View, but Tara is pretty limpy afterwards. They are still the most loveable and amazing dogs.

Shaela is starting to develop. It freaked me out at first, fearing that I was exposing her to too much estrogen or xenoestrogens in plastic, etc. But I think it is just normal, as she is going to be turning 10 in 4 months. I totally resisted reading her a book on sexuality that Lisa Pence had given me. But once I saw that she was developing, I read it to her, skipping certain parts. She is so adamant on not having a baby. I told her if she does not sleep with a boy naked, she would not have a baby. She told me she will not sleep with a boy naked, until she is too old to have a baby. I will explain more details as she gets older. I don't want her to obsess about private parts.

Shaela also has just gotten a dental appliance, an expander, to make her upper palate bigger for her teeth that are coming in. It is a device that you have to turn a key to make it expand little by little. It reminds me of the “rack” a torture table of olden times on the roof of her mouth. We are going slowly as it hurts when it is expanding. All that Shaela has been going through, plus hormones, plus her intense sensitivity to begin with, we are doing the expander as need be, often times skipping the second turn of the key each night.

On a much lighter and joyous note, Shaela is Persophone in the school play this year. She actually has three lines! I am so proud of her participating in the play this year. Last year she played the piano, but was not in the play. She is truly blossoming into a most amazing, loving, beautiful being! She is so looking forward to going to the May Center and leaving LaMariposa. She still has some bad days at school with kids and her teacher. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Blessings of Love and Light,


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